Mom life

I was overstimulated at dinner. Music was playing, Ian was attempting to teach us something, my two youngest were crying, my daughter was trying to play with the baby whom I was holding but therefore she was about to fall on me, the baby was writhing his body in my arms while he complained, my two year old didn’t know what he wanted as he cried because nothing helped him, my two oldest tried to show me their toys and if I don’t stare intently at them they believe I’m not listening.

My children talk over other people because they decide they have something to say – they just don’t stop and observe the conversation happening first. I am guilty of the same thing. It’s a hard skill to learn, to be present and take in a room and what others may be engaged in doing. This means there is a lot of correcting. I feel we are constantly correcting someone.

I sat and pondered how little of the time I can have zero noise. Sometimes I’d just like no noise.

I throw my hands up. This is large family life! I will always long for more time with each of them, and I will look back with regret that I didn’t have more individual time. But this is large family life!

Life has limits. My limits only carry me so far. This season is just full. And as I ponder this overwhelm I am extremely grateful for what God has put in my life!


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